Рост: Зубная формула: Тесты по здоровью: Тесты / Дипломы по рабочим качествам: Выставочные оценки / Титулы:Примечания: нет информацииРодословная:
ДIII-Б/Л MultiBOB and MultiBIS baby at NDS in Russia, JCH of Weimaraner Club Russia, JCHRus JCHBelarus, JCHGerman, JCHLithuania, JCHPoland, VDH-Europa-Jugendsieger'16, Junior Winner'16: Lithuania, Belarussia, German, Leipzig JGrandCHBelarus, 2*JBIS - 1 at NDS in Moscow, Russia, r.JBIS at IDS in Opole, Poland, JBIS-4 at IDS in Wroclaw, Poland, BOB and BIG-3 at IDS in Vilnius, Lithuania, BOB and r.BIG at IDS in Rzeszów, Poland, BOB at IDS Leipzig and German Winner'16 in Lepzig, German, BOB and r.BIG at IDS in Belgorod, Russia, BOB at Weimaraner Club Show rank Club Winner in Moscow, Russia, BIS 4 place at NDS in Moscow, Russia, MultiBIG и MultiВОВ at NDS in Russia, 3th place in junior class at WDS'16 in Moscow, Russia, 3th place in junior class at EDS'16 in Brussels, Belgium, CHRus, CHRKF, CH BEL CH of Weimaraner Club Russia, Club Winner`17 HD-A, ED-0, 67 cm Shorthair Poland-Russia | INTCH, CIE, LUXCH, LUXJCH, Exc.3, Trialer, TAN Fly Me to The Moon Von Silberweiss Jager Shorthair, HD-A, ED 0/0 France
Graytsky's Smokin' In Havanna
United States-Australia Shorthair, OFA-Good | 1st CHOICE TAN, TAN, FT VG
CIE, CHIB, LUXCH, WW-09, WW-11 Le Cinquieme Element at Silberweiss Fala Love'A
Shorthair, HD-A, ED 0/0 Poland-France | Junior Hunting Trial - I prize CIB, LTCH, PLCH, PLJCH, EW-11, EW-10 My Blueberry Night Fala Love'A Shorthair, HD-A, ED 0/0 Poland
| Multi BIS BISS WW'10, vWW'09, EW'09, JWW'06, Multi CH. Int Ch
Nobiskrug Playing Allegro
Shorthair Brazil | Field Trial Ist prize
INTCH, PLCH, PLJCH, SKCH Raxi, EW-03 Raxi Bona Jantarowa
Shorthair, HD-A Poland |
JCHRUS, JCHUKR, JCHBEL, CHRUS, CHBEL CHARM, CHGEO, CHAZ, CHRKF, GrandCHARM, GrandCHGEO, GrandCHAZ, Caspian Sea Winner`15, MultiCH, INTERCHAMPION 63 см Россия | СH LUX, BAL, BUL, MOL, MAC, MON, Belgian Winner, Adriatic cup Winner, EW`13
Grey Classic`s I Kick Azz Shorthair Belgium | CIE, DUTCHCH, LUXCH Grey Classic's Foxmulder HD-B2 Shorthair Belgium | USGCH, USCH, PLJCH, PLCH, BALTW Ivette Imperium Star HD-A, ED-0 Shorthair Poland-United States | Gray Classic`s Ice Ice Baby Shorthair Belgium | IntCh, MultiCh, JWW`06, viceWW`09, EUW`09, WW`10 Nobiskrug Playing Allegro HD-A ED 0/0 Brazil | Casa de Juno Diamonds R The Girls Best Friends Portugal | |